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Build your wealth using the new deposit plan

by: Carina Wetzlhütter5 min read

You aren’t sure how to deposit money into your investment account to get the most out of your savings? Outsource the thought process to Selma.

Selma’s new deposit plan offers very concrete and straightforward advice on investing your money over time. 

By knowing everything about your financial situation thanks to the comprehensive Investor profile, Selma can give personalised tips.

You get advice on 

  • How much to invest right away 
  • How much to invest over the next 12 months (if you have a lot of existing savings)
  • How much to invest of your monthly savings (from income)

You’ll also see a growth projection to get a feeling of how your money might grow over time. And it’s interactive! Play around with the suggested numbers to further customize Selma’s advice.

Why should I follow a deposit plan? 

Creating a plan and sticking to it has many advantages when it comes to investing.

  1. There is a lower entry barrier to start investing and building wealth over time 
  2. A plan helps you to keep going even when markets get bumpy – it’s important to keep investing in bad market phases as you can then benefit from lower prices
  3. The Dollar-Cost-Averaging effect of regular investing takes away worries about timing

Where can I find the deposit plan?

Download the Selma iOS or Android app and navigate to “Advice”. The personal deposit plan will be suggested there. 

If you are already using the mobile app but can’t see it, make sure you have the latest app version installed. 

Reach out to customer support if you have troubles accessing the feature or have questions!

Selmas new deposit plan in the app
Source: Selmas new deposit plan

Ask Selma AI how to structure your deposits

Selma AI is equipped with the same information. Would you rather like to have a discussion about your deposit plan? No problem. 

You can ask questions like:

  • How much of my savings can I invest?
  • How should I build up my investments over time?
  • Should I invest regularly? 

… and many more! 

Selma AI acts as your personal financial advisor. She knows everything you told her about your financial situation through the investor profile and she has the right context to answer your questions and give advice.

Download the Selma mobile app for iOS or Android

About the author

Carina Wetzlhütter

Carina makes technology understandable. She joined Selma to help explain finance in a more human way. Winter being her favorite season, she loves ❄️ and 🎿.
